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What is Stock Photography ?

What is Stock Photography ?

STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY is mean of create and upload photos on stock photography sites, which include licensed photos and royalty-free photos, and the customers can use them photos for any type of work with paying some money. Stock Photography started after 1920s, when newspapers and publications used to need photo for their work. Then market established a photography agency that is stock photography, where customers can buy photos for their work, and type of stock photography are macrostock,  photography, midstock photography and microstock photography. Macrostock agencies give large amount of money to their photographers, and microstock agencies give small amount of money to their photographers that is around USD 25 cents.

Some professional stock photographer upload their
photos on one or more stock photography agencies
on a contractual basis.

Types of Stock Photography 

Macrostock Photography

● Midstock Photography 

● Microstock Photography

Licenses of Stock Photography 

Every time you upload a photo on stock photography agencies. You have two options there for choose that the photo is commercial license or editorial license.

● Commercial License 

● Editorial License 

Stock Photography is began after 1920s, when newspapers and publications were booming from the invention of the printing press.

When they are couldn't find photos for their article. Then the stock photography was started on market. But nowadays, Stock Photography has turned into digital marketing. Nearly every worker of any businesses, companies, markets, industries, hospitals, hotels, technologies, newspapers, publications, websites, catalogs, posters, advertising, blogs, youtube, etc all want royalty-free licensed photos (stock photo) for their work. With photo, any worker describe their work very easily. Stock Photography is very important nowadays, Because any worker use royalty-free and licensed photos (stock photo) for their work.

Stock Photography is about creating, editing and selling photos on stock photography site. Stock Photography is about charging customers a fee to buy the right to legally use the royalty-free licensed photos (stock photo) in their work like businesses, companies, markets, industries, hospitals, hotels, technologies, newspapers, publications, websites, catalogs, posters, advertising, blogs, youtube, etc. The revenue from selling the photos is usually split between the stock photography agency and the stock photographer which took that photo.

For stock photography you should taken good quality and unique photos and upload on stock photography sites, from which businesses, companies, markets, industries, hospitals, hotels, technologies, newspapers, publications, websites, catalogs, posters, advertising, bloggers, youtubers, etc can buy royalty-free licensed photos (stock photo) for their work. Stock Photography agencies don't hire professional photographers. Anyone can become a stock photographer and upload their photos on stock photography sites, and earning from it.

Stock Photography agencies have millions of stock photographers which are upload millions of photos on a week, and stock photography agencies have millions of customers which are regularly search new royalty-free licensed photos (stock photo) for their work. There is huge competition. But if you are a stock photographer, you don't need to waste your time to sell your photos on market. It is not too easy work. You have to give some time for it. If you don't give your time to any work, So how can you get success from your work. So focus on your work, give a time to your work. And then you will get success definitely from your work.

Stock Photography is a easy way to make money for anyone. And in stock photography you don't need to invest. But you must to be struggle for it, and you must to be patience for it. Stock Photography is mean the uploaded photos on stock photography site, where they store and show your photos, and some businesses, companies, markets, industries, hospitals, hotels, technologies, newspapers, publications, websites, catalogs, posters, advertising, bloggers, youtubers, etc buy royalty-free licensed photos (stock photo) for their work from these stock photography sites. The customers want good quality and unique photos for their work. If you are thinking to become a stock photographer. So, you should know about many things about it. And you must upload lots of good quality and unique photos on stock photography sites. first you must build a 400 to 500 photos portfolio.

Then you will start earning from it. Make sure, first you need to remember that your photo is of good quality and add a good title, description and tags on that photo.

If you want more information about Stock Photography so please check my other post. 

And if you like my content so please share it more.

Thank you.


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