What is the difference between Royalty-Free and Licensed stock photos.
Royalty-Free (RF)
First of all royalty free (RF) photo are not free photos. For royalty-free (RF) photo, the customer must pay for a photo for only one time, then the customer can use that photo anywhere on their work. Royalty-Free (RF) photos are those whose usage rights a customer can acquire by paying only one-time license fee, and the customer can use these photos to several work. For example, the customer buy a royalty-free (RF) photo, and the customer pay one time fee for that royalty-free (RF) photo, then the customer can use that royalty-free (RF) photo in any work like, business, companies, industries, website, blogs, youtube, tumblr, etc.Make sure, first the customer should follow some restrictions and policies of the stock photo company which gives the license of that photo to the customer.
For get royalty-free (RF) photos, the customer must check every license of photo which the customer want for their work. For some royalty-free (RF) photos, the customer has to give credit to the author in their work. For example, a youtuber use a royalty-free (RF) photo for making thumbnail of their YouTube video. Then, the youtuber has to give credit to the author of that photo on its YouTube video description by link, which is provided in that photo license.
Royalty-Free (RF) photo mean is that the photos are copyright royalty-free (RF) licensed, where the customer has the right to use that picture on their work like businesses, companies, markets, industries, hospitals, hotels, technologies, newspapers, publications, websites, catalogs, posters, advertising, bloggers, youtubers, etc without any risk, and only once up on payment to the licensor.
Then the customer can use that photo on several works, without having to buying license that photo again. Royalty-Free (RF) licenses cannot be given on an exclusive basis. Because the customers can't use a exclusive photo for several work.
Licensed Photos (Rights-Managed)
Licensed photos (RM) mean is that the photos are copyright licensed, where the customer has the right to use that picture on their work like businesses, companies, markets, industries, hospitals, hotels, technologies, newspapers, publications, websites, catalogs, posters, advertising, bloggers, youtubers, etc without any risk. Make sure, in this case the customer can only one-time use that photo with one time license.For example, the customer buy a licensed photo (RM), and the customer pay one time fee for that licensed photo (RM), then the customer can use that photo only one time in their work. The customer can't be use that licensed photo (RM) in another work with pay fee only one time. To reuse that licensed photo (RM), the customer will have to buy that particular photo again. If the customer use that licensed photo (RM) on several work with one time purchase. So, that photo owner can claim copyright on that customer, and can also take money from that customer.
Licensed photos (RM) is also known as Rights Managed (RM) photos. If the customer wants to use that photo for other work. So the customer needs to purchase again that photo. Rights-Managed (RM) license can be given to both non-exclusive or exclusive basis.
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