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Helpful tips for biggener Stock Photographer's?

Helpful tips for biggener Stock Photographer's?

I will share with you best tips for biggener stock photographers, who wants to sell their photos online and wants to earn money from it. These are very important tips for a beginner stock photographer, and those don't know about these tips. Whenever you uploading photos on stock photography sites. These tips will helping you to increase your sales. So these tips are:

I. Keywords.

Keywords is one of the most important things in stock photography. With the help of keywords buyers can find your photos easily and quickly. You should be write 50/50 keywords whenever you upload your photos. Make sure, these keywords are related to your photo. Suppose how can you write keywords in this photo,

You can write keywords in this photo. Such as girl, women, listening, music, headphone, colors, looking, etc. In some stock photography agencies has limit of keywords is 30 and some has 50. You should try to write maximum limit of keywords. Make sure, these keywords are related to that photo. Otherwise customer cannot find your photo. And your chances of sale your photo will be less..

II. Title (Caption), Discription.

Title and Discription are one of the most important things in stock photography. Title and Description make your photo discoverable. With the help of which buyers can find your photos easily and quickly. You can write both title and description the same. Make sure, the title and description are related to your photo. Suppose how can you write title and description in this photo,

You can write title and description in this photo. Such as "Shoot of tomatoes in a bowl with white background". You can write according to your own mind. Make sure, your sentence will be right. Make sure, your sentence should be right. Otherwise your photo will be rejected by stock photography agencies. For title and description your English should be quite good.

III. Edit Your Photos. 

Don't upload your photo directly from your gallery. Edit your photo before uploading on stock photography agencies. Make sure, your photos have proper level, noise reduction, sharpness, contrast, etc.

This will increase the chance of your sale. Don't edit your photo too much. Otherwise your photo will be rejected by stock photography agencies. If your photo will rejected because of colors, then edit that photo again and upload it 

IV. Upload Photo On Both Orientation.

In photography you can take photos in two sides, those are landscape orientation and portrait orientation.

You should upload a same photo in both landscape as well as portrait orientation. Because customers buy both types of photos. that's why, you should upload a same photo in both landscape as well as portrait orientation. It will help to the customer what they want. It also helps to you to increase your sales.

V. Upload Unique Photos. 

You should upload unique photos on stock photography agencies. Because in stock photography agencies have lots of photos like flowers, dog, cats, etc.

But you should upload these type of photo, those are already lots of on stock photography agencies. Because you can have the talent to make a simple photo unique. And you also should upload some unique photo with different angles.

VI. Upload Photo Regularly. 

You must upload photos regularly on stock photography agencies, at least 2,3 days interval. Because if you don't upload photo regularly, so, the chances of sales your photos is less. And your photo does not come on top. That's why you must upload photos regularly. This will help your photos to appearing fresh content. If you want to grown sales, so, upload photos regularly.

VII. Edit And Resubmit Rejected Photos.

If your photo is rejected by any reason, so check the reason of rejection of that photo. Then edit that photo again and then resubmit that photo. I'm not sure that your photo is approved but there is a chance to approve that photo. I'm not fully sure that your photo will be approved, but there is few chances to approve that photo if you have edited that photo keeping in mind the reject reason. That's why you must edit and resubmit rejected photos. 

VIII. Upload Good Quality Photos. 

You should create and upload good quality photos on stock photography agencies. If in your portfolio have bad quality photos, so you can not get sales with these type of photos. In stock photography have very talented and experienced stock photographers, those are regularly upload good quality photos in stock photography agencies. So, you must improve your photography skills. And get a camera then take good quality and unique photos and upload them in stock photography agencies.

IX. Grow Your Portfolio.

Portfolio meaning is the number of your photos those are approved by stock photography agencies. You should grow your portfolio, then sale also will grow. By increasing the portfolio, your sale will also increase. If in your portfolio have 20,30 photo so there is no chance of sales your photos. Your portfolio should have 400, 500 photos.

Make sure, these photos should be unique and of good quality. And you must be very patience. And you should upload photos regularly without worrying about sales.

X. Your Portfolio Should Have Variety Of Photos.

In your portfolio should have variety of photos. If in your portfolio have 15, 20 photos of same subject with same angle. So it is not good. Yeah, you can upload 5,6 photos of same subject with different angles, but not too much. So in your portfolio must one photo different to the other photos. Otherwise it will effect on your sales.

XI. Keep Updated With Recent Trends. 

You should keep updated with recent trends. Recent trends such as festival, new year, latest news and like in today's time, about Coronavirus.

The email you sign up with start photography agency. You will get a mail on that email about the recent trends by the stock photography agency. They will tell you there what should you shoot. In this case your chances of sales is high. That's why you should keep updated with recent trends.

XII. Don't Copy Anyone.

Don't copy other stock photographer. And don't copy any photo. Yeah, you can take photos like other photos but not same, your photo should be unique from that photo and you should take photo with different angles with your mind. You should take photos with your creativity. You can do better than others. Believe in yourself, then create and upload amazing photos.

XIII. Upload Photo On Several Agencies.

You should upload photos on several stock photography agencies. If you upload your photos on several stock photography agencies, so your photo sales will be high, and you can earn much money with uploading photos on several stock photography agencies. If your photo is not approved by one stock photography agency. So, there is chances to get approved that photo by another stock photography and also get sale by other agencies.

If you want more information about Stock Photography so please check my other post.

And if you like my content so please share it more. 

Thank you.


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