What is the difference between Royalty-Free and Licensed stock photos. Royalty-Free (RF) First of all royalty free (RF) photo are not free photos. For royalty-free (RF) photo, the customer must pay for a photo for only one time, then the customer can use that photo anywhere on their work. Royalty-Free (RF) photos are those whose usage rights a customer can acquire by paying only one-time license fee, and the customer can use these photos to several work. For example, the customer buy a royalty-free (RF) photo, and the customer pay one time fee for that royalty-free (RF) photo, then the customer can use that royalty-free (RF) photo in any work like, business , companies , industries , website , blogs , youtube , tumblr , etc. Make sure, first the customer should follow some restrictions and policies of the stock photo company which gives the license of that photo to the customer . For get royalty-free (RF) photos, the customer must ...
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